squint: adj.斜着眼的;斜视的;细眯着眼看的。n.1.斜视眼;斜视。2.一瞥,一瞟。3.倾向(某一政策等) (to; towards)。4.【建筑】斜孔小窗;窥视窗。5.(教会的)圣体遥拜窗。6.【无线电】斜倾,偏斜〔指天线方向性〕;斜视角,两波束轴间夹角。短语和例子have a bad squint 斜视得厉害。 Let me have a squint at it. 让我看一
eye: n.(pl. eyes 〔古语〕 eyen )1.眼睛,目。 blind in one eye =lose an eye 一目失明。 compound eyes (昆虫的)复眼。 the naked eye 肉眼。 Where are your eyes 难道你看不见? His eyes are bigger than his belly. 他眼谗肚饱。 What the
Example Sentences:
Now it happened that the first suitor was an old man with squint eyes and a cough . 也真不凑巧,第一个求婚的是个老头儿,此人长着一双斜眼不说,还老咳嗽。
He could not help thinking how uncanny the man's squint eyes looked under its straight outstanding visor . 他不禁想到这个家伙的斜视眼,从帽子的大帽舌下望出来是何等的令人毛骨悚然。
Katey went to the range and peered with squinting eyes 凯蒂走到铁灶跟前,眯起眼睛凝视着。